The Oakland-Piedmont branch of AAUW has many exciting interest groups. Prospective members are welcome to attend any of these activities once before joining.
If you’d like to learn more or attend a meeting, email the committee chair listed below.
Evening Books
Evening books meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at members’ homes from September through May, from 7:30 – 9:30pm.
Linda Hoffman: Email
Morning Books
Monthly reviews are given by participating members, followed by group discussion with coffee. First Thursdays (10:00 a.m.) each month.
Dana Barnett: Email
International Foods
Gourmet potluck – Guests welcome! One Friday evening per month, get together for a potluck of cuisine from another country.
Cam McArthur: Email
Lunch Bunch
Members choose and explore ethnic, new and interesting East Bay eateries. No host lunch with friendly discussion of contemporary topics. Second Fridays each month.
Joanne Sandstrom: Email
Groups that meet occasionally include:
- Cards, Puzzles & Games
- Hikes & Walks – These range from ‘Wimpy Walkers’ outings to extensive hikes.
- Serendipity – Outings to plays, museums, music performances and more.
Upcoming outings for these groups will be listed in the Voice.
Ideas for Other Activities?
Other groups may be added throughout the year if there is sufficient member interest. Please contact Cam McArthur with ideas and suggestions.