September 2014 Meeting:


Join Us for Brunch & Our Fall Kick-Off Program!

Branch member Lenore Gallin will speak on women's issues in CubaLeft to Right:  Front row  - Kaii, Gabriela & Doanh  Back row  - Maria, Moncerrath, Dagney & Hannah.

Catch up with friends and meet new ones while you:

  • Learn about women’s issues today in Cuba from branch member Lenore Gallin
  • Hear the returning Tech Trek girls talk about their time at this year’s Tech Trek camp
  • Learn what the branch has in store for the coming year
  • Bid for treasures at the silent auction door prizes and MORE

A light brunch will be served.

Bring a friend or two; we have special deals for new members!

DATE:   Saturday, September 6, 2014
TIME:   10am – Noon
PLACE: East Bay Parks, Trudeau Training Center,
………..11500 Skyline Blvd., Oakland
RSVP:   Barbara Norum at 510-816-0873

May 2014 Event:

Beyond Tech Trek:

STEM programs for girls in the Bay Area!

Come learn about the different area-wide programs in science education available for girls.

Speaker:  Lisa Hoover: 

Lisa is one of 13 Oakland Women of the Year in 2013, was honored by California’s 15th State Assembly District Assemblymember Nancy Skinner for educating young women and men in the field of science. Lisa offers youth programs through the center’s Champions of Science and Galaxy Explorer programs targeted at underserved middle school youth and high school youth respectively.

When:  Saturday May 17, 2014  10:30 AM

Where:  Home of Barbara Norum

xxxxxxxx7610 Hansom Drive, Oakland   MAP

 AAUW Members:   Please plan to stay after the public portion of the event for a brief business meeting.


April 2014 Event

‘Tis time to attend the annual

Tech Trek Girl Image        Tech Trek Tea

        Saturday, April 12th

                 3 to 5pm

             Bring a friend!

Hats are optional but encouraged

Come to tea to support the Tech Trek (Science, math and technology) Camp:  Your donation will help sponsor local middle-school girls’ attendance for a week of STEM classes and activities at Sonoma State University this summer.

Donations of any amount are appreciated.

For more info, or to RSVP:  Contact Ann Johnson at 510-482-5596.  You can also learn more about the Tech Trek program here.


February 2014 Meeting:

Meet the Author:   Alison Gopnik

Alison GopnikAlison Gopnik, professor of psychology and affiliate professor of philosophy at UC Berkeley, is a leader in the study of children’s learning and development and a pioneer in the field of cognitive science.

Her books give a fascinating look at the drive to learn as one of our most important instincts. She will be talking about her work on how babies and children learn, as well as on her experience xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxas a woman scientist and author.

Date & Location Info BoxFor more information, contact Nancy at 510-528-2251.

Books by Alison Gopnik

November Meeting: Saturday, 11/2/13, from 10:30 to Noon

Winning Strategies for Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls 

 – A report from the UN Commission on the Status of Women  2013 Session

UN Women's Commission Logo

 Speaker: Kathleen Cha

Our own member Kathleen Cha was an NGO delegate and workshop leader at this gathering of 6000 delegates from around the world who met to share insights about problems to develop solutions that:

  • Deal with violence against women and girls
  • Set global standards and evaluate progress and
  • Create a holistic approach to ending violence against women and girls.

Kathleen will talk about the global issues as well as local actions.

 About Kathleen Cha

Kathleen ChaKathleen has just completed three terms as national AAUW Director-at-Large with past service as AAUW California State President, during which she served on state and national Public Policy Committees.

She also has served two terms on the League of Women Voters Oakland Board and is currently the Board Vice-Chair of A Safe Place, and Co-Chair of Women’s Intercultural Network (WIN).

Kathleen is also now the Senior Communications Officer for the Association of Bay Area Governments, the San Francisco Bay Area’s council of governments and regional planning agency.

Date & Time:  Saturday, November 2nd, from 10:30am to Noon

Place:  Rockridge Library, 5366 College Ave, Oakland, CA

Cost:  Free

For more information and to RSVP,  email Nancy Adams or call her at:  510-528-2251.


October Meeting: Saturday, 10/19/13, from 10:30 to Noon

Note:  This meeting is for branch members only.  Please look in the October Voice for the location and contact Nancy Adams to RSVP.  

Learn about how to connect with AAUW members to work on issues that interest you!

Get Connected with AAUW's Oakland-Piedmont Branch members

October’s program will provide an overview of AAUW and member’s resources on the public and membership sections of the branch web site.

You’ll also learn about our yahoo group resource – and can get signed up for our new group mailing list.

All levels of computer literacy are welcome.  An overhead projector and large screen will be used to share tips on how to navigate the site to find what you need.

Following the presentation, branch members Barbara Norum and Deanna D’Zamba will be available to help you log on with your own device.   Or we can walk you through the sign-up process for our new group email list one of the presenter’s devices.

Getting to Know You Luncheon

Light refreshments will be provided during the meeting and we’ll adjourn to a local restaurant afterward for a no-host lunch.






September Meeting: Saturday, 9/7/13, from 10 to Noon

Join Us for Brunch at our Fall Kick-off Program!

Meet new friends and learn what the branch has in store for the coming year.   You’ll get an overview of the monthly programs for the 2013-14 season and will:

Julia Brown, National V.P., will present the latest news from the National scene.

Julia Brown, National V.P., will present the latest news from the National scene.

  • Learn the latest from our own Julia Brown (the newly elected Association V.P.), who is flying out to let us know what’s happening at the national level.
  • Hear from the returning Tech Trek scholarship girls about their experiences this past summer.

The program will include also include a light brunch and a silent auction of donated treasures you can bid on!

Special Introductory Price to Join our Branch

We’re offering a special introductory rate for new members at this program.  So come join the fun — and bring a friend or two!

DATE: Saturday, September 7, 2013

TIME: 10:00 to Noon

PLACE:  East Bay Parks, Trudeau Training Center, 11500 Skyline Blvd., Oakland  MAP

Please RSVP by contacting  Becky Morton (V.P, Membership) at 510-619-6262 or Judy McCord (President) at 510-922-1594.

Some of the girls awarded scholarships to recent Tech Trek camps by our branch

Some of the girls awarded scholarships to recent Tech Trek camps by our branch


Evening Books

Evening Books is held in a member’s home on the second Thursday of the month from 7:30 – 9:30pm.  Coffee & dessert are served at 7:30 and the book review & discussion begin at 8pm.

Prospective members are welcome to attend!   To learn more or RSVP, email Margaret Bahan or call her at 510-653-9488.

Here are the books scheduled for September 2013 thru May 2014.  The list is subject to modification, so please inquire when you RSVP.

To see the date & title for each month, move your mouse over the book image:



Evening Books List From Prior Year:

Evening Books Reviewed 2011-2012




May Meeting


The film, nominated for a 2013 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, presents story after story of former servicewomen and men across all branches of the military who say they were sexually assaulted by a fellow service member during their time of service. The film describes a climate in the military that, in the words of one victim, is designed to help women better deal with the inevitability of getting raped.

AAUW, through out Legal Advocay Fund, supports three cases related to military sexual harrassment. Please plan to come see the film and learn more about this timely issue. Check out their website.

Monday, May 6, 7:30 P.M.
Hostess: Lori Durbin – 510-482-4363

Tuesday, May 7, 2:00 P.M.
Hostess: Gen Katz – 510-530-8870

RSVP to the hostesses to reserve a seat. If these two locations fill up, we will schedule more showings and announce them via e-mail blast/mailing.

Bring a FRIEND!