Provide your kid(s) with a summer full of fun, friendship, and adventure at Berkeley! Cal Youth Camps offers the most diverse and highest quality summer camps in the East Bay.
Camps are already filling up. Register online at:
Award-winning camps inclusive of all ages 4–17+, abilities, and interests.
Whether your child will explore the solar system in the Lawrence Hall of Science planetarium in Science & Sports, land their first kickflip in our nationally-recognized skateboarding camp, or gain the lifelong skill of swimming, they will cherish their summer forever.
Since 1960, we’ve worked to enhance our programs, claiming more than twenty unique and stimulating camps and thousands of happy alumni.
Tight budget? Long days? No problem.
Cal Youth Camps are affordable and flexible to work for every family. We offer extended care in the mornings and afternoons, lunch service options, payment plans, and scholarships for up to $300! Summer will fly by with sports, nature, science and art projects, and your camper will come away with new skills and new friends. There’s a place for everyone in our community.
We’d love to tell you more about our programming. Reach us at 510-643-2267 or camps@berkeley.